This is a very special blog post! I have reached my 1000th post on We Blog Any Car!! 

When I first started “We Blog Any Car” in 2015, the thought of reaching a 1000 posts didn’t even enter my head…. I just wanted to write about something that I enjoy and feel passionate about. 

I would like to humbly extend A HUGE THANK YOU 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 to all of you who read it, follow it, press the like buttons, share the posts and comment on it….I sincerely appreciate it. 

I really hope it serves a purpose in your own car journey….wherever you are in the world.

So, thank you guys for your ongoing support and also a huge thanks must go out to my partner for her continued support (and listening to me go on and on about cars!) 🚗 🤣🤣

To mark the occasion .. here are my favourite posts (in no particular order) and I don’t think I have a favourite post? 

Do you? I would love to know.😃


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