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In this test We Blog Any Car will be trying out the new Philips Racing Vision H7 headlight bulbs from Euro Car Parts, against some normal NEW H7 headlight bulbs.

We thought it was only fair to test them against some brand new bulbs instead of the original ones in the car.

New normal H7 bulb below.


We tested the bulbs the good old fashion way……….In a dark workshop with a big garage door to use as reference point.

Its not a “technical” way of testing the bulbs but it will show the difference.

Test 1 Dip beam.

First picture below. Philips Racing Vision bulb.


Second picture below. Normal H7 bulb.


The first picture (Philips Racing Vision bulb). In this picture you can see that the bulbs are producing a whiter, fuller, clearer light with a tinge of blue to it. (Top left of beam).


We then tested them as main beam bulbs.

First picture. Philips Racing Vision bulbs below.


Second picture. Normal H7 bulbs below.


FACT 1: The first picture with the bulbs being used as main beam bulbs (Philips Racing Vision bulbs) has a greater intensity of white than the picture below it. (Normal h7 bulbs).

FACT 2: With the Philips bulbs you can also see that the beam area is more white and brighter.

FACT 3: The middle area of the Philips Racing Bulbs beam pattern on the picture is whiter with less shade between the left and the right bulbs areas.

All this combined will help with producing better night vision with the Philips Racing Vision bulbs rather than a normal h7 bulb.

Single headlight test.

Philips Racing Vision bulb below.


Normal H7 bulb below.


Single headlight tests highlights it more.

There is more beam intensity on the first single bulb test (Philips Racing Vision bulb) compared to the normal H7 bulb picture below it. The centre of the beam is more intensive and it also shows that there is less dark fuzzyness around the edges of the beam area. The result produces a brighter light and illuminating a bigger area.

Philips claim that their Racing Vision bulbs have up to 150% better beam performance than a standard bulb. 150% will depend on many factors e.g; how clean the inside and outside of your headlights are. There is a noticeable difference when fitted in our test vehicle and the headlights hadn’t been cleaned. This is a real world test!


There is a noticeable difference in bulb  intensity on the left hand side compared with the right hand side of the picture.

Yes you have guessed it……..

Philips Racing Vision bulb on the left side of picture. Normal h7 on the right.

I would also add that seeing when seeing these 2 the beams with the naked eye, there is more of a distinct difference than what my camera shows.

So what is my conclusion???

These bulbs are definitely worth investing in if you want to get Stronger and Brighter h7 Original Fitment headlight bulb.

This test show for themselves that they are brighter with a more focus beam, and that’s just on a workshop door. So on the open road it will give you a more powerful, brighter beam and illuminating more in front of you.

For more information or you would like to order them click on the Philips Racing Vision Bulbs link below:

Philips Racing Vision Bulbs from Euro Car Parts


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